The Large Format Retail Association (LFRA) is the national peak industry association for Australia’s Large Format Retail sector, otherwise known as ‘Big Box’ retail.

The LFRA advocates for clarity, consistency and certainty of legislation and regulations that interface with the Large Format Retail sector particularly in the areas of planning, zoning, technological and environmental factors and initiatives.

Members of the LFRA comprise not only of Large Format retailers, but the owners, developers, investors and service suppliers of the sector. The breadth and depth of the LFRA’s membership enables it to advocate as a whole and united voice.

Our vision is clear – to provide a seamless and exciting retail environment for our customers.

Today the LFRA is regarded as the national peak body representing the interests of Large Format Retailers, investors, owners, developers and service suppliers in Australia. Our membership consists of some of the nation’s largest and most respected brands and we belong to the fastest growing sector of the retail industry in the country.

Sales (to 30 June 2024) by Large Format Retailers are estimated to be more than $102.3 billion or 23.9% of all retail sales in Australia. Our contribution to employment, economic growth and investment is crucial. This is reinforced by the fact that direct employment by large format retailers exceeds a massive 470,000 people (FTE) both directly and indirectly.

*Deep End Services 2024

Philippa Kelly, Chief Executive Officer

Philippa Kelly is the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of the LFRA; a position she commenced more than 17 years ago.

Whilst overseeing the enormous growth of the LFRA, Philippa has sat on numerous government stakeholder panels particularly in the area of urban planning and its’ interface with the retail sector.

Prior to Philippa’s current position, she spent time with the Victorian Government as Manager, Information & Mediation with Office of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner. Prior to her time with the Victorian Government, Philippa spent 5 years with the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) as Victorian Tenancy Adviser. During her time with the ARA she was part of the stakeholder consultation panel which, after 3 years of negotiations, saw significant reforms in the area of retail tenancies via the introduction of the ‘Retail Leases Act 2003’ and the ‘Small Business Commissioner Act 2003’.

Immediately preceding Philippa’s time with the ARA, she spent some 17 years primarily working for various major shopping centre developers and agents.

Philippa is a member of the:

Economics, Industry and Sustainability Committee of the Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ACCI);
Forum of International Retail Association Executives (FIRAE): and
Victorian Property and Environmental Law Association (VEPLA)

Philippa is a ‘go to’ person for industry comment in print and television and speaks often at industry events.

The Board

Zac Fried (President) | Deputy Executive Chairman, Spotlight Group
James Scott (Vice President) | General Manager, Property, Harvey Norman
Philippa Kelly | Chief Executive Officer, LFRA
Ian Robinson, OAM (Immediate Past President) | Executive Chairman, Beacon Lighting
Garry James | Director of Property, Bunnings Group Limited
Michael Petricevic | Managing Director, Oz Design Furniture
Richard Champion | General Manager, Property, Amart Furniture
Sam Pinchbeck | General Manager, Property & Store Development, Super Retail Group
Michael Cherubino | Executive Director, Adairs Retail Group
Philip Waterworth | Group General Manager - Property, JB Hi-Fi
Rob Foley | General Manager, Property, PETstock Group

Alternate Directors

Richard O’Brien | General Manager Property, Spotlight Retail Group
Glen Robinson | Chief Executive Officer, Beacon Lighting
Brett Moody |General Manager Property, Bunnings Group Limited


In 1999, the Bulky Goods Retailers Association, or otherwise known as the BGRA, was established to develop the bulky goods retailing industry within Australia. On 22nd August 2013, the Association changed its name to the Large Format Retail Association (LFRA). The name, Large Format Retail Association now better reflects the industry we represent.

The Large Format Retail Association (LFRA) (formerly know as the Bulky Goods Retailers Association (BGRA)) was established in 1999 as an incorporated association when Large Format Retailing was emerging as a strong and distinct force in Australia’s retail landscape. On 1st July 2008 the BGRA was converted to a company limited by guarantee, an entity better suited to representing the industry on an Australia wide basis. On 22nd August 2013, the Association’s Constitution was amended to change its name to the Large Format Retail Association (LFRA).

Warwick Shedden Memorial Trophy

Each year, since 2002, the LFRA Board has awarded the Warwick Shedden Memorial Trophy to “…an individual or organisation, who has contributed over a significant period of time to the goals and ideals of the Large Format Retail Association and the betterment of the Australian Large Format Industry…”

The award is in honour in memory of Warwick Shedden, founding President of the Association and Director of OZ Design Furniture.

Hector Abbott


Richard O'Brien


Steve Adamson


Stuart Harker


John Gillam


Ian Robinson


Leffler Simes Architects


Phil Schoutrop


David Scurr


Brad Nash


Adam Lisle


Justin Ganly


Roger Wilson, OAM


Zac Fried


Wayne Jennings


Sue Robinson


Pricewaterhouse Coopers


Richard Horne